
Implementation: Construction and Style

Introduction to Professional Style

Professional writers should always aspire to communicate as effectively as possible. As we’ve discussed, clarity and concision are the hallmarks of business writing. But how about the look of the document? How does the organization and design of a document affect the effectiveness of our communication?

Using Style for Clarity

First, recall that writing for business purposes should be clearly written. Not only should our purpose be explicitly stated, we should also use language that is appropriate for the intended audience. This clarity of purpose also extends through the rest of our writing, and every word supports the delivery of our message.

The style with which we write should also add clarity. The typeface selected should be appropriate for the delivery method. Bold type, for example, highlights important words, phrases, and statements. Headings and subheadings can also organize the document so the reader can quickly locate important sections.

Using Style for Consistency

Communicating with a consistent voice is expected in the professional world. This is accomplished by establishing a style that works well with a brand. A unique style connected with an organization’s brand can help consumers and audiences quickly connect with the product in some way. BMW, for example, is a brand of luxury vehicles that enforces strict adherence to the corporate style across all dealerships. Any dealers deviating from the consistency of the BMW brand face multiple warnings before facing more serious financial consequences!

Even though you may not (yet) work for a global corporation like BMW, it is still important to be strategic with your professional writing style.