
29 Relevant grant section: Intervention


Assignment Timing

This part of the grant is assigned during week 8 (of a 16-week semester) and after reading Community Development as Change Strategy. Students should take two weeks to complete the assignment.

Assignment Overview

The Intervention Section of a grant describes the strategies that will address the needs summarized in the Statement of Need section. It is typically the third section of a grant, following the Organizational Background and Statement of Need. This section should be very compelling and describe an intervention that is evidenced-based or grounded in a logical theory of change.

Common sources of information:

  • Online resources focused on the specific intervention.
  • Published reports describing the intervention and outcomes, ideally from other organizations who have implemented them.

Assignment Detail

  • This section should be 1 to 1.5 pages long
  • Interventions should be evidence-based and include citations to research or sources of evidence.
  • The section should describe the intervention that is intended to address the need that you summarized in the Statement of Need section.
    • How will the intervention address the needs?
    • How will the intervention improve people’s lives?
  • Creativity can be used to describe the intervention using graphics or bullet points as appropriate.